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2019 History

PasswordSafe was originally designed by Bruce Schneier and released as a free utility application. Since then, it has evolved considerably. The following table has links to pages detailing the release history of PasswordSafe since the project was made open source. This can be useful for seeing what features were added and what bugs were fixed since a given release.

Year Releases
2023 3.62-3.64.1
2022 3.59-3.61
2021 3.55-3.58
2020 3.52-3.54.1
2019 3.49-3.51
2018 3.45-3.48
2017 3.42-3.44
2016 3.38.1-3.41
2015 3.36-3.38
2014 3.33-3.35
2013 3.31-3.32
2012 3.28-3.30
2011 3.25-3.27
2010 3.21-3.24.1
2009 3.16-3.20
2008 3.12-3.15.1
2007 3.06-3.11.1
2006 2.16-3.05.02
2005 2.08-2.15
2004 2.0-2.07
2003 1.91-1.92c
2002 First Open Source release

26 December 2019

PasswordSafe version 3.51.0 for Windows has been released (alternate site).

Bugs Fixed in V3.51

1497 Changing the password now updates the expiration date if recurring expiration set.
1490 Fixed -s switch regression.

New Features for V3.51

884 Copying password in Edit window of alias entry now copies the "real" password (that of the base entry).

9 October 2019

PasswordSafe version 3.50.0 for Windows has been released (alternate site).

Bugs Fixed in V3.50

406 No longer flashes main window if user cancels opening screen.
1496 Easy-to-use password policies now enforces symbol constraint.
1494 Improve password policy checks and display.
1491 Workaround 4K monitor display problem.

29 June 2019

PasswordSafe version 3.49.1 for Windows has been released (alternate site).

New Features for V3.49.1

Installation of pwsafe-cli is now optional in Windows installer.

Bugs Fixed in V3.49.1

1490 Fixed -s switch (again).

30 April 2019

PasswordSafe version 3.49.0 for Windows has been released (alternate site).

New Features for V3.49.0

856 Setting the "Copy password to clipboard upon browse" implies copy password upon Run command.
First release of pwsafe-cli.exe, a command-line utility suitable for scripting.
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